Custom Sale Administrator Account Registration

This page is for a Sale Administrator Account.
Be sure to fill in data for your organization instead of personal data.
Please see our Custom Auctions page for more information.

If you want to bid, please cancel this registration and Register as a Bidder instead.

( * ) indicates required fields

[Multiple emails allowed here, separate with comma or space. All email sent by the system will be cc'd to these email addresses, including LOST PASSWORD requests.]

The information below is required for custom auctions, premier sales, and trainer sales.

Your payment address and complete payment instructions. This is the only way the buyer will know how to pay you! This information will only be displayed to the buyer after the listing has closed.

Make payment to Acme Inc.

Acme Inc
1234 Any Road
Anytown, State 00000

For credit card payments please call 000-000-0000

Specify how and when the buyer will receive the items once payment has been received.

You must provide the legal terms regarding your sale.
  • The entire Terms of Sale must be added to each listing page. The Terms of Sale for custom auctions will be displayed on its own page in the Custom Auction Sale Catalog.
  • Terms should indicate whether the sale is for ownership of an item or for a service contract.
  • Terms for service contracts must specify the year(s) in which the service is to be used.
  • Terms should not include the end date or time for the listing, as these are subject to change.
  • Terms should indicate who is responsible for any additional costs such as boarding, transportation, shipping etc. Include any limitations necessary.
  • Terms should not rely on the bidder's understanding of industry practices, as Internet bidding is available to many people who may not be familiar with the industry.
  • If your sale includes more than one kind of item (for instance, service contracts as well as items for sale), either include a sections for both, or include the general terms for your entire sale, and add specific terms to each listing as appropriate.


Choose Username & Password
(6 to 12 alphanumeric characters containing no spaces or special characters)

Choose a user name that reflects your organization to be displayed as the "seller" for each listing in your sale. User names must be 5 - 20 characters in length. You may include a spaces, dashes, underscores, and a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, a ranch named "Blue Ridge Quarter Horses" might choose the username "blridge95" for a personal account, but "Blue Ridge QH" would be more suitable for an Administrator Account.

Specific terms and conditions apply to each listing and purchase of breedings, horse and horse related items on

Sellers and buyers are responsible for knowing these terms and conditions. Please see Full Terms and Conditions for complete details.

Perfect Horse Auctions, applicable breed and records associations, and/or any catalog production company will not be held liable for any errors or omissions in this online catalog.

Statements made by owners/agents which differ from the information in the online sale catalog take precedence over any printed matter. Please contact seller for complete information.

Contact information, including first and last names, address, and phone will be released to the seller and winning bidder at the close of auction.

Choose "Yes, I Accept!" to indicate that you agree.